Langhorne, PA – Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-08) released a statement Monday regarding the current immigration policy:

"I ran for Congress to make a difference and to actually get things done. As a member of the Homeland Security Committee, I’ve seen firsthand the threats our nation faces from a porous border and a fragmented and broken immigration system.

I firmly detest the heartless and inhumane practice of separating children from their parents at the border. This extreme measure must end. It is an ineffective deterrent against illegal immigration, and children should not have to face traumatic ordeals given the actions of their parents. We have waited over a year and a half for Congress to resolve the crisis on our borders. Inaction is unacceptable.

I will continue to demand debate and a vote on legislative solutions to secure our borders, respect the rule of law, and protect the dignity and humanity of our children.  The time is now to act. We cannot and must not allow partisanship and gridlock to prevent sensible fixes from being implemented.  Our nation’s security and our nation’s children depend on us."

Last month, Fitzpatrick signed a discharge petition that would force a debate and vote on a series of immigration proposals.